Sunday, 6 January 2013

Real Food Day 5

Today I was challenged because I new there would be a lot of snacks and treats at the family party I was going to that evening.  I LOVE sweets, and I find it really difficult to resist grabbing a handful of candies or chocolates if they are sitting right next to me.  I did not resist everything, but I think I did pretty well - I ended up sticking to nuts, cheese, a few crackers, a whole grain muffin, and some popcorn (but the popcorn was sweet and salty, so it had a little bit of sugar on it).  For drinks I had wine and tea.

In order to make myself more prepared to resist sweets, I made sure I had a protein rich late afternoon snack/early dinner of scrambled eggs with peppers and tomato, topped with goat cheddar - similar to this but without the potato.

Breakfast was a bowl of banana-berry oatmeal  (oats cooked with bananas, blueberries, and almonds, and topped with more berries) and coffee with soy milk. Lunch was whole wheat tortilla wedges topped with cheese, and some were topped with peanut butter and banana.

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