Thursday, 10 January 2013

Real Food Day 9 and 10

Last night I had a big fail with the real food gig.  We went out for dinner at one of our favourite restaurants, and they have a NEW MENU.  So, I ordered the veggie burger (comes on a white bun), topped with apple and brie, and a side of fries....bad bad me!  I didn't drink any pop though, and I LOVE cola, so that's good, right???

Anyway, today I am back on track - eggs and toast for breakfast, tomato barley soup for lunch, and we're having shepherd's pie for dinner!  Here's the recipe for the shepherd's pie I'm making: SHEPHERD'S PIE.  I love this recipe - it's so easy to make, and I always have the ingredients on hand, so it's one I go to when I realize I am running low on food but don't have time to go to the store.  It's also really easy to freeze, which makes it great for making ahead, and it's also a good one to give to people who are in need of food (e.g. grieving, just had a baby, etc).  I also love it because the food is soft enough for peanut to eat, so I don't have to make anything separate for her - YAY!  What's not to love, right?

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